Continuous development of our people is paramount.
The world of Refrigeration is constantly evolving, our industry often plays an integral part in the advancement of modern science and technology. It is not only important that our industry professionals are up to speed for all the changes but its important that they are constantly evaluating and adopting new skills and honing old ones.
Online Learning
For some Refrigeration professionals, the phase down of synthetic Refrigerants poses a steep learning curve into the world of Natural solutions and alternatives.There are currently a number of free resources available to develop knowledge of the various options available. Below we have included a set of links that we have reviewed and recommend.
New Zealand Refrigerant Training.
Please see below for updates on Refrigerant Training courses near you.
Shortly all persons working with Natural and Flammable Refrigerants will be required to hold a licence. The Licence structure will be similar to what we have seen established in Australia. It is likely that the Licencing system will be administered by Worksafe New Zealand. There will be a demand for training and certification for each refrigerant class. The training will be integrated into the existing Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Curriculum.

Visit the RLNZ website to view their array of courses including; Flammables, Ammonia & approved fillers.
Gauge Refrigeration Management Ltd offers hands on Ammonia Refrigeration and Emergency Management training. Practical Hydrocarbon courses are also available through special request.
Something for the kids.
The Institute of Refrigeration UK has recently launched a brilliant new website aimed at educating children and young people about the world of refrigeration. We are very happy to promote this much needed resource.